The numerical grid point for DFT in GAMESS

You may suffer from SCF convergence problems often. This is mostly related to the Numerical grid of DFT. The default grid of GAMESS is NRAD = 96, NLEB = 302. NRAD is the number of radial spheres, while NLEB-s the angular (Lebedev) grid points on each sphere. These numbers are a bit too high. In fact, the particular numbers should also depend on the types of functionals you use. For example, (50,194) is recommended for hybrid or GGA functionals, which you mostly use for the calculations.

I took this table from

GAMESS has an option of SG1 in $DFT group. You can set it as SG1=.t. GAMESS recommends its use for the early steps of geometry optimization since it is extremely FAST. But there is confusion. The SG1=.t. in GAMESS is NOT identical to what the Peter Gill recommended above. The SG1 in GAMESS sets (24, 194), while the above table indicates SG-1 as (50,194). I found a bug in the GAMESS manual, which indicates (24, 194) but what the GAMESS actually utilizes is (50, 194). So the SG1 in GAMESS is identical to the above table.

So this is my recommendation. Use SG1=.t. for initial geometry optimization. Once it is done, use NRAD=50 NLEB=194 in your $DFT group for all types of calculations.
However, there is a difference between SG1=.t. and directly setting (NRAD=50, NLEB=194). The former utilizes a pruning process, which removes unnecessary grid points, while the latter doesn't. Therefore, your final results will depend on the choices.

There is one more complication though. GAMESS strangely utilizes a procedure of HF —> coarse grid DFT —> fine grid DFT for its SCF procedure. This could be Ok, if you don't have any previous converged orbitals. But if you do, this procedure creates a problem. If you provide nearly converged $VEC group in your input, GAMESS turns off automatically HF step and directly goes to the next step, which is coarse grid DFT. This is a problem since your $VEC was optimized with find grid in the previous run. But GAMESS uses it with coarse grid option, making the already good $VEC worse. There is no way to turn off the coarse grid part of SCF. But you can make the coarse grid equal to fine grid of NRAD and NLEB. You can do this by setting NRAD0 and NLEB0 coarse grid options equal to NRAD and NLEB.

Meta-GGA functionals require a tighter grid to achieve the same accuracy. For this reason a tighter default grid of NRAD=99 and NLEB=590 is chosen by default with all meta-GGA functionals.


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